Friday, April 5, 2013

Astronomers Hunt 100 Billion Planets Like Earth

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Illustration (Photo: Astrobio)
AUCKLAND - Researchers at the University of Auckland propose a new method for finding Earth-like planets. They believe that there are up to 100 billion planets can be found in outer space.
Reported Astrobio, Friday (04/05/2013), this strategy uses the name of the gravitational microlensing technique, which was recently used by the Japanese and New Zealand scientists. Scientists reported their findings in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

"Our proposal is to measure the number of Earth-like planets orbiting the star," said scientist Phil Yock. He estimates that, of the billions planet Earth exactly, the possibility that some planets habitable.

"Kepler spacecraft discover Earth-sized planet located close to the parent star," he said. He estimated that there are billions of alien planets similar to Earth are located in the Milky Way galaxy.

As is known, the first planet orbiting a Sun-like star was never found until 1995. The researcher explains that it shows the difficulty in detecting the presence of astronomers planets outside the solar system.

In recent years, the microlensing technique used to detect a large planet like Neptune and Jupiter. Yock and his team brought a new approach to detect microlensing planets like Earth.

Research conducted at the University of Auckland and France this involves simulating Earth-like planet, which can be detected easily. Robotic telescopes also assist in monitoring or monitoring the Earth's orbital twin planet. (FMH). 


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